Webinar held on April 13, 2021. Analysts from Deep Pharma Intelligence and guest speakers shared insights and findings about trends and application use cases of artificial intelligence (AI) in the pharmaceutical research, biotech, and healthcare tech, focused specifically on tackling the coronavirus pandemics.
The event featured a summary of key players, technologies and trends, including R&D and business aspects, as well as investment trends on the cross-roads of AI and COVID-19 therapeutics and tools.
“Longevity.International presents: Biomarkers Of Human Longevity” was a virtual 1-day conference that took place June 30, 2021 featuring presentations from a variety of companies, key players and thought-leaders active within the Biomarkers of Human Aging and Longevity Industry.
The event explored the present state of the industry, as well as key strategic challenges and opportunities for translating the potentials of Biomarkers of Human Longevity from theory into practice.
On 4 October 2022,I had the pleasure of hosting the official launch event and revealing key findings of the new ‘AssistiveTech in the UK’ interactive report, developed by ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society) with the support of Aging Analytics Agency and Deep Knowledge Philanthropy. The event was held in the UK Parliament at the historic House of Lords.
"Practical Applications of Mitochondria Research for Human Longevity and Space Medicine" is an upcoming conference taking place June 9-10, 2021 (5 pm - 7.45 pm, BST) where professionals from Aging Analytics Agency and invited guest speakers who are Practical Longevity Experts, Space Medicine Experts and Women Influencers will share insights, findings and personal experiences about the Role of Mitochondria in The Practical Human Longevity and Scientific Approaches to Women For Extending Reproductive Longevity.