History and Scope of Activities
Established Formal Strategic Partnership with UK-based Social Enterprise ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society)
Established Formal Strategic Partnership with Israel Non-Profit VETEK (Seniority) Association
In Q1 2023 the Biogerontology Research Foundation announced a formal strategic partnership with Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life. Vetek is a leading Israeli non-profit chaired by prominent Longevity thought-leader Ilia Stambler and co-founded by former Israeli Minister for Senior Citizens Rafi Eitan, acting for the advancement of healthy longevity for the entire population through scientific research, technological development, medical treatment, public health and educational measures, advocacy and social activism. The strategic partnership will focus initially on building an effective technological bridge for international Longevity collaboration between the UK and Israel, and will also encompass other aspects of international collaboration across science, policy and industry.
In Q1 2023 the Biogerontology Research Foundation announced a formal strategic partnership with Assistive Technology, Longevity, and Ageing Society (ATLAS), a social enterprise set out to support the UK AgeTech and AssitiveTech industries and champion their potential to drive social inclusion, promote healthy Longevity and its importance to society and industry, and restore the technological rights of the UK senior community. The partnership will focus activities intended to broaden the scope of priorities and approaches utilised by typical biogerontological stakeholders (scientists, technologists, industry leaders and policy makers) to include and prioritise market-ready tech sectors like AgeTech and AssistiveTech, and promoting the leveraging of these sectors for rapid practical impact on population-level Longevity, quality of life and the challenge of ageing population.
In-Kind Support for Production of AgeTech in the United Kingdom Q3 2022 Open-Access Report and IT-Platform
The Biogerontology Research Foundation has continued to prioritise its own internal work on furthering AgeTech developments in the UK which began (in August 2020) with the launch of the open-access AgeTech UK IT-Platform, developed by the Biogerontology Research Foundation in collaboration with Aging Analytics Agency, which for the first time presented a comprehensive digital analytics platform and database on the AgeTech industry, public and private sector ecosystem in the UK. Building further upon the achievements of that platform, the Biogerontology Research Foundation provided key insights, analytics, and feedback during Aging Analytics Agency’s production of the second iteration of the AgeTech in the United Kingdom open-access report and IT-Platform, AgeTech in the United Kingdom Q3 2022, released at the end of Q3 2022.
Appointment of Ilia Stambler and Roxy Iqbal to Board of Trustees
In Q1 2023 the Biogerontology Research Foundation appointed two new trustees, Ilia Stambler and Roxy Iqbal, to their board. Ilia Stabler, recognised for many years as a prominent Longevity thought-leader, is Director of Vetek (Seniority) Association, the most active Longevity non-profit organisation in Israel, and has served as an executive committee member of the International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD), and as a fellow and policy director at the Global Healthspan Policy Institute. As a board member of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), Ilia was actively involved in the ILA and Biogerontology Research Foundation’s successful joint 2018 initiative to add a new World Health Organization-approved extension code (XT9T) for 'ageing-related' during ICD-11.
Meanwhile, Roxy Iqbal, Director of ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society) was chosen for her proven commitment and dedication to some of the main charitable objectives of the charity, as demonstrated through her continued efforts to advocate for the technological rights of senior society.
Assisted in Establishment of ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society)
In 2022 the Biogerontology Research Foundation provided substantive in-kind support for the launch of Assistive Technology, Longevity, and Ageing Society (ATLAS), a social enterprise set out to support the UK AgeTech and AssitiveTech industries and champion their potential to drive social inclusion, promote healthy Longevity and its importance to society and industry, and restore the technological rights of the UK senior community. The foundation also provided substantial in-kind support for the logistics, organisation and execution of ATLAS’s inaugural in-person event and informal launch, i.e., the launch event for its report, AssistiveTech in the UK, which is to be held in the UK House of Lords in 2022, where Biogerontology Research Foundation Head of Policy and Outreach (Ian Inkster) delivered a presentation.
In Q2 2019 the Biogerontology Research Foundation was the primary source of financing for the support and execution of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity initial scope of activities, and also offered key strategic inputs on the APPG for Longevity’s agenda for 2019-2020 alongside Aging Analytics Agency.
Publication of Longevity Industry in UK Landscape Overview Q4 2018 (Second Edition) - 1100 Pages
In 2018 the Biogerontology Research Foundation released a second extended edition of its previous Longevity Industry in UK Landscape Overview Report, 1100+ pages in length, which provided key inputs into the current Longevity Industry, Academic and Policy Landscape on the UK for the APPG for Longevity.
Landmark Production of Several Global Longevity Industry Landscape Overview Analytical Reports
Throughout 2008 - 2013, the BGRF produced a number of key analytical reports on industries that eventually emerged into the present unified Longevity Industry, laying the groundwork for the analytical frameworks later used for its Longevity Industry Landscape Overviews, which were officially published in 2017. This marks the first time that any entity had ever published comprehensive industry overviews of the entire global Longevity industry.
Support for the Artificial Intelligence Centre for Longevity at
King’s College London
The Biogerontology Research Foundation supported the structuring of the strategic agenda for a new AI Centre for Longevity as part of the Ageing Research at King’s (ARK) alongside Aging Analytics Agency and Insilico Medicine, offering key inputs into how to most optimally leverage the UK’s strengths in AI R&D to help support cutting-edge AI for Longevity, Preventive Medicine and Precision Health R&D at King’s College London.
Successful Addition of New Extension Code for Age-related Diseases via World Health Organization
The Biogerontology Research Foundation successfully contributed to the decision to add a new World Health Organization-approved extension code (XT9T) for 'ageing-related' during ICD-11. In 2018, jointly with the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), of which Ilia Stambler was a board member, the BGRF completed this initiative and marked a world-first for researchers working in all ageing-related fields.
Founded in 2008 by Prominent Longevity Scientists
Inspired by Dr. Aubrey de Grey and founded by prominent Longevity Scientists including Alex Zhavoronkov, the BGRF was officially launched as a formal UK non-profit foundation in 2008.
In-Kind Support for Several Conferences on Mitochondrial Research, Practical Longevity and Space Medicine
The Biogerontology Research Foundation provided significant in-kind support for the logistics, organisation and execution of a number of open access conferences on topics relating to biogerontology, ageing and Longevity, including events co-hosted by Longevity International (for which our foundation provided in-kind support in its capacity as one of the platform’s Institutional Co-founders), and events co-hosted by Aging Analytics Agency (for which our foundation provided in-kind support in its capacity as a strategic partner of Aging Analytics Agency). These conferences included: Biomarkers of Human Longevity, a virtual 1-day conference that took place June 30, 2021 featuring presentations by representatives of Deep Longevity, Biocanic, Life Length, GlycanAge and Jinfiniti Precision Medicine; Practical Applications of Mitochondria Research for Human Longevity and Space Medicine, co-hosted by Aging Analytics Agency, Kinexum and Kitalys Institute, which took place June 9-10, 2021, and featured talks by representatives of NuSirt BioPharma, Thor, Kinexum, NASA Ames Research Center (NASA) and the Belgian Nuclear Research Center, Deep Knowledge Group and Aging Analytics Agency; Biomarkers of Human Longevity: State of the Market and Diversity of Practical Applications Q4 2021, a 2-day virtual conference co-hosted by Longevity.International and Aging Analytics Agency on October 19-21st 2021 which featured talks and panel discussions among representatives of Deep Longevity, Scialyte AG, Biocanic, Inc., the Human Glycome Project and Aging Intervention Foundation.
Co-founded Canada-based Non-profit Canadian Longevity Association
In 2021 the Biogerontology Research Foundation served as one of seven Co-founding Directors of the Canadian Longevity Association, a federally-incorporated Canadian Non-Profit Corporation officially incorporated in November 2020 with the purpose of conducting a variety of non-profit activities including but not limited to research, development, support and engagement relating to the Canadian Longevity industry and ecosystem, with the ultimate purpose of expediting the development of social policy and technology to improve the quality of life of elderly Canadians and supporting the continued growth and diversification of Canada's Longevity and Healthy Aging ecosystem. Biogerontology Research Foundation representatives worked closely with the other members of its board in the composition of the association’s formal aims, stated purpose and bylaws.
Co-founded Longevity International Association, non-profit based in Geneva (Switzerland)
In 2021 the Biogerontology Research Foundation also became one of one of thirteen Co-Founding Directors of the Constitutive General Assembly of Longevity International Association, an official Non-Profit incorporated in Geneva, Switzerland in November 2021 with the aim of carrying forward principles and mandates of the Longevity.International platform, and supporting its further development, in addition to providing and conducting a variety of non-profit activities including but not limited to research, development, support and engagement relating to the Swiss and European Longevity industry ecosystem across technology, entrepreneurship, investments, financial sector activities, policy, governance, and academia, with the ultimate purpose of expediting the development of social policy and technology to improve the quality of life of the elderly and supporting the continued growth and diversification of Switzerland and Europe’s Longevity and Healthy Ageing ecosystem. Biogerontology Research Foundation representatives worked closely with the other members of its Constitutive General Assembly in the composition of the association’s formal aims, stated purpose and bylaws.
Supported Launch of Decentralised Longevity Industry Knowledge and Collaboration Platform Longevity.International
In June 2021 the Biogerontology Research Foundation provided substantive in-kind support for the development and launch of Longevity.International, a first-of-its-kind, open-access non-profit decentralised Longevity Industry Knowledge and Collaboration platform launched with the aim of promoting a greater degree of synergy, efficient cooperation, and discussion among a variety of Longevity Industry participants and stakeholders, including companies, investors, non-profits, academic labs and R&D hubs, governmental bodies and policy makers. The platform is managed by Ian Inkster (Head of Policy for the Biogerontology Research Foundation) and was jointly launched in June 2021 by a number of non-profit and non-commercial Institutional Co-Founders including the Biogerontology Research Foundation (UK), Kitalys Institute (USA), Cambridge University Longevity Society (UK), Oxford Society for Ageing and Longevity (UK), The Millennium Project (Washington, D.C., USA), Gerontology Research Group (USA), Aging Intervention Foundation (USA), Aging Metrics (USA), Hype50+ (Brazil), Aging Analytics Agency (UK), Ibero-American Futurists Network (Spain and Portugal), Canadian Longevity Association (Canada), World Future Society Venezuela, World Future Society Spain, World Future Society Mexico, London Longevity Society (UK), Longevity Swiss Association (Switzerland), Gerontology Section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (Russia), International Longevity Alliance (Global) and Vetek Association (Israel).
In-Kind Support for Production of Longevity Industry in the United Kingdom Q3 2022 Landscape Overview Open-Access Report and IT-Platform
The foundation built upon its existing Longevity Industry in the United Kingdom analytics work inaugurated in 2018 with its co-production of Longevity Industry in United Kingdom Second Edition (Q4 2018) with Aging Analytics Agency by providing renewed in-kind support, research and analytics during the production of its new open-access report, Longevity Industry in the United Kingdom Q3 2022 Landscape Overview. The new report, published at the end of Q3 2022, provides the latest changes in the industry’s landscape and describes midterm trends. Using a unique database of over 3500 companies, 2000 investors, and 1510 R&D Centres, covering all major hubs of Longevity Industry within the country, we report not only extensive growth of the industry for the previous years, but also increased demand from both customers and government on the latest achievements of Longevity Science and Longevity medicine.